Data Management
The CT Data Management will facilitate the acquisition, provision, integration, management and exchange of heterogeneous digital resources within a scientific and non-scientific multiuser (distributed) environment. The CT Data Management also prepares agreements for data storage and data exchange standards in the different observatories. Important is the development of a joint concept of the involved centres for data management in order to guarantee data access compatibility for the different TERENO sites. The FZJ will coordinate the overall data management for the TERENO project.
A data policy statement, required for data processing and exchange in this project, will be developed in a participatory approach with all institutional project partners. A main aspect of data policy is the definition of data ownership (intellectual property rights) and data access rights concerning funding organization directives differentiated by types of digital resources, their process status, the data creator and the data source.
A data management plan will be developed that considers a number of commitments and agreements, e.g.:
- Data management responsibility roles within the individual observatories.
- Initial description of the overall data stock to be produced by the sub projects and project partners as input for the data management plan.
- Data and metadata standards. File naming conventions and exchange formats depending on data analysis and modelling requirements will be defined. Open formats will be preferred. International initiatives for hydrological information systems (such as WaterML by CUASHI network) will be taken into account. The data will be indexed by meta data using common standards (Dublincore, ISO19115)
- Needs for access to existing data sources. Baseline data, raw and output data to be used by several project applications are to be held in the central database being accessible for project members through their metadata. Data in processing mainly are to be held locally close to their applications.
- Planned quality assurance and back-up procedures for data.
- Copyright and intellectual property rights of the data by enabling data security, e.g. through Access Control Lists (ACL).
- Data workflow and storage. Because of the already existing data bases for the different observatories, data will continued to be managed in the responsible centres.
- A defined workflow will be established to harmonize preparation and submission of data and metadata to the data bases.
- Integration of modelling and data management (i.e. data interfaces to model systems and vice verse).
- Visual data management
On the basis of the data management plan technical infrastructures will be implemented and set up in each centre:
Outline oft the data management infrastructure being established at FZJ
- Ralf Kunkel (FZJ)
- Robert Eckardt (UFZ)
- Rainer Gasche (KIT)
- Mark Frenzel (UFZ)
- Olaf Kolditz (UFZ)
- Frank Neidl (KIT)
- Karsten Rink (UFZ)
- Jürgen Sorg (FZJ)
- Vivien Stender (GFZ)